Monthly Archives: August 2019

2GRVI Phalanx at Hot Chips 31 (2019): The First Kilocore RISC-V RV64I with High Bandwidth Memory

This week at Hot Chips 31 (2019) I am presenting a status update poster on the work-in-progress GRVI Phalanx Accelerator Kit: 2GRVI Phalanx: Towards Kilocore RISC-V FPGA Accelerators with HBM2 DRAM (PDF).

This is the debut of the FPGA-efficient 2GRVI (“too groovy”) RV64I processing element (PE) core, and of Phalanx support for FPGAs with HBM2 high bandwidth DRAM, first discussed last month.

The poster tells the story of the version two redesign of GRVI Phalanx to take best advantage of HBM2 DRAM. It explains some V1 limitations, particularly FPGAs’ relatively low DRAM bandwidth, and shows how the advent of HBM2 FPGAs, such as the Xilinx VCU37P and VU35P in the Alveo U280 and U50 accelerator cards, potentially with over 400 GB/s of memory bandwidth, fundamentally changes the utility and competitiveness of FPGA accelerators.

However, the Niagara of data that 30+ HBM2 memory channels can pour down on your head required changes to the PE and to the Phalanx SoC architecture to request and receive all that sweet sweet bandwidth. These changes include:

  • New 2GRVI latency-tolerant RV64I PE
  • New 64b cluster interconnect, 64b UltraRAM banks
  • New 32B/cycle split transaction pipelined NoC-AXI RDMA bridges
  • Add PCIe XDMA mastering (to an AXI-HBM channel)
  • Add many more Hoplite NoC ring columns

We discuss some of these below, others in another blog post to follow.

New 2GRVI latency-tolerant RV64I 64-bit RISC-V processing element

At just 320 LUTs/PE, the good old 2016-era 32-bit RV32I GRVI PE still has leading soft processor throughput per area. Its frugality made possible the first kilocore 32b RISC processor SoCs, but GRVI’s shortcomings include: 1) its 32-bit address and data width, which is an awkward match to AWS F1’s up to 1.5 TB DRAM, to OpenCL kernels which need to pass 64-bit pointers to global memory buffers, and which wastes half of the bandwidth of 64-bit wide UltraRAM memory banks; 2) its 300-400 MHz Fmax — fast, but not fast enough; and 3) its too-simple scalar RISC microarchitecture, with blocking in-order loads. Blocking loads are fine in a one PE system with a tightly coupled BRAM memory, but in an 8 PE GRVI cluster setting a load can take five cycles there and back through the cluster interconnect to the UltraRAM cluster memory banks (which can be two long trips across one fifth of the width of the die). This is especially painful in a function epilog, reloading n callee save registers, each load taking five cycles. Ugh.

The new RV64I 2GRVI PE tackles these problems: it provides 64-bit addresses and data, up to 550 MHz pipelined execution, and latency tolerance for loads and multi-cycle function units.

Using a busy-register scoreboard, loads do not stall the pipeline until/unless subsequent use of a still busy register — so in a function epilog’s register reloads, or an unrolled block copy loop, 2GRVI issues one load each cycle. The same mechanism enables concurrent execution and out-of-order completion of long latency function units, using a to-be-proposed open Custom Function Unit interface.

As with GRVI, the 64b 2GRVI PE optionally generates RTL obsessively and exquisitely technology mapped for Xilinx 6-LUT FPGAs. It also embraces Jan’s Razor: “In a chip multiprocessor design, strive to leave out all but the minimal kernel set of features from each processing element, so as to maximize processing elements per die.” This leads to a deconstructed PE architecture where functions such as shifts, multiplies, even byte-aligning load/store memory ports, are factored out of the PE core such that multiple PEs share those occasional-use resources. This gets the 64-bit 2GRVI PE core down to just 400 LUTs, and the total area overhead of the PE and its share of a six PE cluster, function units, cluster interconnect, and 300b Hoplite router, is about 700 LUTs.

For its highest Fmax of 550 MHz, 2GRVI can implement a 4-stage pipeline with an initiation interval of one instruction/cycle, but a minimum ALU result latency of two cycles. This enables higher frequency SoC designs, but impairs CPI by 25% or so. To mitigate ALU result-use stalls and four cycle taken branches, I’m also exploring introducing two-way hardware multithreading. This will cost ~100 LUTs, +80 LUTs of which are needed to double the physical register file to 64x64b, so it remains to be seen if this is a net win from the perspective of total throughput / area. We’ll see.

In all, 2GRVI’s XLEN width doubling, load latency tolerance, and higher Fmax means 2GRVI PE clusters have double or triple the total bandwidth to the cluster data RAMs vs. the older GRVI PEs in a GRVI cluster, using the same LUTs and UltraRAMs.

The following table compares and contrasts the two cores.

Year2015 Q42019 Q2
FPGA Target20 nm UltraScale16 nm UltraScale+
RTLVerilogSystem Verilog
ISARV32I + mul* + lr/scRV64I + lr/sc (mul WIP)
RV32I to come
Area320 LUTs400 LUTs (not including barrel shifter)
Fmax / congested400 / 300 MHz550 MHz / TBD MHz
Pipeline stages2 / 32 / 3 / 4 (superpipelined)
Latency tolerance: out-of-order retiretypical but optional
Latency tolerance: two hardware threadsoptional (WIP) (+100 LUTs)
Cluster, load initiation interval5 cycles1 / cycle
Cluster, load-to-use5 cycles6 cycles / 3 thread-cycles (WIP)
Cluster, peak cluster RAM bandwidth4.8 GB/s (300 MHz)12.8 GB/s (400 MHz (WIP))

Phalanx redesign for HBM2 memory

The Phalanx “array of clusters, exchanging messages on a NoC” architecture has been redesigned for Xilinx UltraScale+ HBM2 devices such as the VU37P FPGA, with 32 256b @ 450 MHz hardened AXI-HBM controllers coupled to the two stacks (8 GB) of HBM2.

It is rather tricky to move data at up to 3.7 Tb/s to/from the AXI-HBM controllers at the base of the FPGA, from/to the various cores across the length and breadth of the device. A very fast, very wide soft NoC is the way forward, although at FPGA SoC frequencies (300-600 MHz) this requires many thousands of northbound and southbound nets. (The faster the NoC clock, the fewer nets required.)

Then other clock constraints must be considered. The older 32-bit GRVI PEs are too slow; the Hoplite NoC and UltraRAMs can run at 600 MHz, but the AXI-HBM controllers’ Fmax is 450 MHz. To avoid clock domain crossings (for now) we aim to run each component at 450 MHz. (It’s a work-in-progress, we’re not there yet.) Then a 15x15x256b Hoplite NoC will carry ~200 GB/s of read data and ~200 GB/s of write data between the HBM controllers and any FPGA clusters or I/O controllers. While not yet full peak VU37P HBM2 bandwidth, it is nevertheless a giant leap ahead for RISC-V multiprocessors and for FPGA accelerators.

So this redesign depends on three advances: 1) modifying the NoC’s X rings x Y rings topology to include at least twice as many die-spanning vertical Y rings; 2) designing a wide, deeply pipelined NoC-AXI RDMA bridge that can sustain writes and burst reads on back to back clock cycles, 256 bits per bridge per cycle, all day long; and 3) generally increasing the Fmax of every element of the SoC from 300 MHz towards 450 MHz.

At present the first two have been achieved. The 30×7 NoC of the 2017 Hot Chips demonstration is replaced here with a 16×15 NoC with an array of 15×15 PE clusters and a row of 15×1 NoC-AXI RDMA bridges, each coupled to two AXI-HBM bridges. This doubles the NoC bandwidth to the HBM2 bridges. Here’s the new system topology:

The poster presents two different FPGA SoCs design chip plots.

The first is a 1776 PE GRVI Phalanx, with (15×15-3) x 8 32-bit GRVI PEs. (It depopulates three clusters in the bottom right of SLR0, freeing up some LUTs needed for the ~15000 LUT PCIe XDMA logic.)

A 1776 PE GRVI Phalanx, comprising a 15×15-3 array of clusters of eight RISC-V RV32I GRVI PEs, 128 KB cluster RAM, and Hoplite router, plus 15 NoC-AXI RDMA bridges and 30 AXI-HBM bridges.

The second is a 1332 PE 2GRVI Phalanx, with 222 clusters of six 2GRVI RV64I PEs. To our knowledge this is the first operational kilocore 64-bit RISC SoC in any technology, and the first with HBM memory.

A 1332 PE 2GRVI Phalanx, comprising a 15×15-3 array of clusters of six RISC-V RV64I 2GRVI PEs, 128 KB cluster RAM, and Hoplite router, plus 15 NoC-AXI RDMA bridges and 30 AXI-HBM bridges.

A later blog post will drill down into this design, how the memory system works overall, and experiences working with the Xilinx AXI-HBM bridges.

Welcome Xilinx Alveo U50!

Today Xilinx announced the new Alveo U50 Data Center Accelerator Card. Press release. Launch presentation. U50 Home. Product Brief. Data Sheet. User Guide.

I usually don’t blog about FPGA card announcements but this is a big deal. Finally a vendor FPGA card streamlined and focused on pure data + network compute acceleration, with massive bandwidth (PCIe gen4x8 or gen3x16, QSFP28 for 100 GbE, ~7 TB/s to 5 MB of BRAM, ~6 TB/s to 20 MB of UltraRAM, and 460 GB/s to 8 GB of HBM2 DRAM), in an optimized form factor.

(In particular, it doesn’t have conventional DRAM DIMMs inside, and I think that’s fine. Doesn’t need them, won’t miss them. The key external RAM is the 8 GB of high bandwidth DRAM, right there behind the 32 AXI-HBM controllers. If greater RAM capacity is required, the host has tens or hundreds of GB that can be streamed in/out across PCIe. And no more sprawling soft DDR4 DRAM controllers in your design.)

Now FPGA uptake as mainstream data center accelerator platforms really depends upon their performance and cost competitiveness vs. multicore CPUs and GPUs. GPUs, with GDDRx and HBM2 DRAM memory systems, have always enjoyed a big lead in peak external memory bandwidth vs. FPGAs. This advantage has limited the types of workloads for which FPGAs are faster, or at least performance competitive. But the advent of Xilinx Virtex UltraScale+ VU3xP and Intel Stratix 10 MX devices, with HBM2 DRAM in package, now give FPGAs CPU-beating, GPU-competitive memory bandwidth. The next frontier is cost. So far, HBM2-powered FPGA cards have been expensive, many times more expensive than a GPU card with comparable bandwidth. I hope U50 will move the needle on price competitiveness, a prerequisite for FPGA accelerators to reach high volume economies of scale and support a thriving solution provider ecosystem.

Under the hood

The User Guide and Data Sheet describes the FPGA as an UltraScale+ XCU50, with 872K 6-LUTs, 5952 DSPs, 1344 BRAMs, 640 UltraRAMs, and two stacks of 4 GB HBM2 DRAM. While the XCU50 is not in the UltraScale+ Product Tables, these resources exactly match that of the XCVU35P, as does this floorplan figure:

XCU50 FPGA floorplan
XCU50 FPGA floorplan

Assuming this is the same silicon as the VU35P, that’s fantastic news — this part is extremely capable. For example, here is another kilocore RISC-V GRVI Phalanx with HBM2, for VU35P:

1176 RISC-V PE GRVI Phalanx with 30 HBM DRAM channels
An 1176 RISC-V PE implementation of the GRVI Phalanx massively parallel accelerator framework in a VU35P.
10Ă—15 -3 clusters of { 8 PE, 128 KB SRAM, 300b Hoplite NoC router }, 30 HBM DRAM channels, PCIe DMA controller.

I look forward to an exciting future of mainstream FPGA+HBM2 accelerator cards, as common as GPU accelerator cards, deployed across the industry, there and just waiting for all of our problems, ingenuity, workloads, and bitstreams. Today’s Alveo U50 launch is a big milestone in this march to the mainstream. Congratulations to Xilinx, its staff, and partners.