Monthly Archives: July 2019

GRVI Phalanx: The First Kilocore RISC-V with High Bandwidth Memory

A kilocore processor with a few DDR4 DRAM channels has never made much sense, and so today I am happy to announce that the GRVI Phalanx massively parallel RISC-V accelerator framework is now running on a Xilinx UltraScale+ VU37P FPGA with 8 GB of integrated in-package HBM2 DRAM, on a Xilinx Alveo U280 accelerator card.

This new FPGA SoC overlay is configured with a 15×15 array of clusters of 8 GRVI RISC-V PEs, 128 KB of SRAM, and a 300b Hoplite NoC router. In total it has 1800 PEs, 28 MB of SRAM, 8 GB of HBM2, 240 Hoplite NoC routers, 30 256b Hoplite-AXI RDMA bridges, and 31 AXI-HBM channels.

An FPGA device view (chip plot) of an 1800 RISC-V PE implementation of the GRVI Phalanx massively parallel accelerator framework.
15x15 clusters of { 8 PE, 128 KB SRAM, and a 300b Hoplite NoC router }. The die plot consists of 45 rows of 5 columns of variously colored regions, with two High Bandwidth Memory die stacks at the bottom.
An 1800 RISC-V PE implementation of the GRVI Phalanx massively parallel accelerator framework.
15×15 clusters of { 8 PE, 128 KB SRAM, 300b Hoplite NoC router }.

We’ll have more to say about this new design in the coming weeks. Thank you for your interest.